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Configuration file

LANSuite's configuration file is written in the ini format and should be placed into inc/base/config.php. Please note that all entries are cached and only reloaded every 10 Minutes.

An example configuration file looks like:



Warning: Setting directories to 0777 is not suggested for production. Only your web server user should be able to write into this directory.

Configuration settings

Here you will find a detailed description of each configuration setting:

lansuitedefault_designstringDefault design for the LANSuite instance. Users might be able to choose different designs. If no design is chosen, the default design is shown. Valid designs are simple, osX or Sunset
lansuitechmod_dirintegerNewly created directories will be changed to this Unix access pattern. E.g. 644 means read- and write access for the owner, read access for everyone else or 600 means read- and write access for the owner, nothing for everyone else.
lansuitechmod_fileintegerNewly uploaded files will be changed to this Unix access pattern. E.g. 644 means read- and write access for the owner, read access for everyone else or 600 means read- and write access for the owner, nothing for everyone else.
lansuitedebugmodebooleanIf it is enabled (1), errors will be shown with a full stack trace. This is useful for development and debugging purpose. In production, this should be disabled with 0.
databaseserverstringThe hostname / IP address of the database server. For example, localhost or or
databaseuserstringThe username of the database user. LANSuite should have an own database user for the database connection.
databasepasswdstringThe password for the database user.
databasedatabasestringThe Name of the database which will be used by LANSuite. The user needs to have access to this database.
databaseprefixstringPrefix that will be used for every database table. Every table created by LANSuite will be prefixed with the value entered here. This is used to avoid table name collisions and you can run multiple LANSuite instances and applications in one database.
databasecharsetstringMySQL supported character set to be used for the database connection. utf8 is the default value and should be fine for new installations. Older installations of LANSuite (e.g. release 4.2) may need to use latin1 to avoid display issues.