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The documentation is built with Docusaurus.

This page assumes you have npm installed.

Writing a new documentation article

  1. Add your documentation to the website/docs[/<category>] folder as a Markdown (.md) file:

    id: cache
    title: Using the LANSuite cache

    My documentation content here ...
  2. Place assets, such as images, in the website/static/ folder.

  3. Run the site locally to see the results of your changes:

cd website/
make init
make run
# Navigate to http://localhost:3000/lansuite/

There are more options to adjust. We suggest reading Create a doc @ Docusaurus documentation to get an overview.

Writing a new blog post

  1. Add your blog post to the website/blog folder as a Markdown (.md) file with the filename pattern of

    slug: documentation-launch
    title: Launch of the documentation
    authors: andygrunwald
    tags: [documentation, website]

    Lorem Ipsum ...
  2. Place assets, such as images, in the website/static/ folder.

  3. Run the site locally to see the results of your changes:

cd website/
make init
make run
# Navigate to http://localhost:3000/lansuite/

There are more options to adjust. We suggest reading Blog @ Docusaurus documentation to get an overview.

Running the documentation site locally

The website is located in the website/ folder. Switch into the website/ folder, install the dependencies, and start the local development server:

cd website/
make init
make run

It should open the address http://localhost:3000/lansuite/ in a local web browser and show you the website.

Publishing the documentation site to production

While publishing the documentation, it generates static HTML and pushes it to the gh-pages branch of the LANSuite repository. Via GitHub pages, this branch is served at

Now let's publish:

cd website/
make init
make deploy

If you encounter problems during the process, please check if all required environment variables are set: Environment settings @ Docusaurus documentation.