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Creating a Release


The production release is not the same as the LanSuite development version (aka the GitHub repository). The production release only contains the required files to run LanSuite as a website. It does not contain any functionality to develop the platform.


To build a production release, we are using Docker. This way, we ensure that every contributor can release the same production release with the same version constraints.

Building the image

First step: Building the docker image to create a release:

docker build --file ./Dockerfile-Production-Release --tag lansuite/lansuite:prod-release .

Building a release from the latest version

If you aim to build a production release from the latest git HEAD:

docker run  --rm --volume=./builds:/builds:rw lansuite/lansuite:prod-release

Building a release from a tag

If you want to build a production release from a git tag:

docker run  --rm --volume=./builds:/builds:rw -e "LANSUITE_VERSION=v4.2-beta" lansuite/lansuite:prod-release

Please replace v4.2-beta with your git tag in the command.


In your ./builds/ folder, you now have two files:

  • 1 x tar.gz, which is the compressed LanSuite production release
  • 1 x file with a checksum of the .tar.gz file